Friday, February 01, 2008

Books I've read this summer...

Another one of my goals for the summer was to read at least five good books. Here are the ones I've read so far...
  1. When Fish Fly by John Yokoama and Joseph Michelli - this book is fantastic. As a small business owner I am inspired and encouraged by reading this book. We are making it compulsary reading for our staff!
  2. An Unbrian Love Story by Marlena de Blasi - quite a slow pace this book, but having read two others of hers, its kinda cool to follow her story.
  3. Tell it to the Skies by Erica James - loved this. I think that Erica is getting better and better!
  4. How Starbucks Saved my Life - this was great also. Kind of follows on for me by When Fish Fly. It helped me see "being" in action.
  5. From the heart - On being the mother of a child with special needs - I was just so keen to read other people's stories. As we have struggled these holidays with Reuben, I wanted to see how other people felt. I think more needs to be written, or maybe I just need to find it out there somewhere! Any suggestions?
  6. The Memory Keepers Daughter - a story about secrets, but also I felt about redemption. It was heart warming and sweet.
  7. Wisdom of daughters - two decades of the voice of Christian Feminism - This book is so refreshing, it makes me want to cry. I may not agree with all if it, but gosh there is a lot of insights here. What a relief.

Now isn't that an eclectic lot of books? I brought a book last year to record the books I read, and its great, otherwise you forget what you read and what the book was about. I would have said I was a bit of a chicklit girl, but this list shows me that no, I may enjoy a girlie book, I do actually read all sorts!

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